Tuesday, October 11, 2005

i (heart) learning

another fantastic day at the RNA ranch... and my homie Mark taught me a new skill to add to my super scientist arsonal.. mictrome cutting paraffin sections.. huzzahhh. I am unstoppable. and riding my bike here, and knowing i get to ride my bike home instead of having to deal with the icky 22.. which was actually really good yesterday.. but nevermind that.. I am still excited about riding my bike. makes me feel like i am back in good old davis. ciao folks, i am out like trout :)


rcpeters said...

peddilers rock!

rcpeters said...

And yes I know I misspelled peddlers.

MissScientistSF said...

i thought it might be a fancy name for those people who ride the bikes with the big wheel.. like in the pic :)