Thursday, September 08, 2005

I actually have a job!

Today was my first real day of work. And so far, it is about as chill as ever. My supervisor got in around 9:30 and has just been showing me around and re-introducing me to people. We put away a bunch of supplies that came while she was away, and she showed me how to use my voice mail and such. I have also mastered the oldest, janky-est, autoclave I have ever seen. Quite productive, I'd say. And for some reason, as soon as she got back, it feels like everyone is back now.. maybe last week was one big conspiracy. I just got my Med Center ID, so I look even more like a doctor to the crazies on the bus.. but at least this picture is better than the other one. Of course I forgot my wallet today (because I am my mother's daughter) so she had to buy me coffee when we went over to the hospital, but otherwise I think I have made a pretty good impression. Exciting, we get our first trachea on Tuesday (if one is available), so I will really be getting into it! Hooray for no more mind numbing boredom!! And she leaves at 4, so I get to go home early too! This job rocks!

1 comment:

MrsEm said...

Glad to hear things are picking up!